Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality

After a young single mother marries the love of her life, contention ensues. Her now husband quickly discovers that his wife’s child receives financial aid from her wealthy brother-in-law. Tensions rise once he seeks money from his brother-in-law.

A Young and Determined Single Mother

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
spass // Shutterstock.

The original poster (OP), Evelyn, became a mother at the age of 17, embracing the life of a single mother after her daughter’s father flew the coop. Despite her circumstances, she was determined to make the best possible life for herself and her daughter—and she knew that meant finding a way to attend college.

A Family Member’s Generosity Paves the Way to College

Family get together
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Fortunately, Evelyn had a loving family to fall back on. Her older sister, Hannah, and her husband, Ben, were able to pay for her college. Ben’s family was well-off due to their family business, so the expense to them was minimal but generous.

Bright Education Opportunities for Evelyn’s Daughter

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
Evgeny Atamanenko // Shutterstock.

The generosity of Evelyn’s sister and brother-in-law didn’t end there, though. The couple was kind enough to pay for Evelyn’s daughter to attend private school alongside their children, ensuring she received the best education from an early age.

A Rocky Beginning to a Marriage

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
Roman Samborsky // Shutterstock.

Evelyn recently married a man, Louis, who has three children of his own, all daughters. He became upset upon discovering that Evelyn’s daughter was attending a private school at the expense of her wealthy brother-in-law.

Her Husband Demands Better Schooling for His Children

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality – Yuri A // Shutterstock

Understandably, Louis wanted her brother-in-law to begin paying for his children to attend private school. He felt that because his and Evelyn’s children were now siblings, they should have a similar education experience.

His Questionable Solution

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
Dean Drobot // Shutterstock.

Louis was adamant about this. He even stated that if his children couldn’t attend a private school, neither should Evelyn’s daughter. The alternative he suggested was having Evelyn send her daughter to public school with his children.

Evelyn Wants a Brighter Future for Her Daughter…

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
Dikushin Dmitry // Shutterstock.

Evelyn, the dedicated young mother she is, put her foot down, saying that she wanted her daughter to have better opportunities than she did. Having grown up in a poor neighborhood where she was forced to attend a bad inner-city school, Evelyn was no stranger to the hardships involved with lack of opportunity.

She Doesn’t Want to Take Advantage of Her Family

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
Dean Drobot // Shutterstock.

While she would have loved to have all of their children attend private school, she would not ask her brother-in-law for such a substantial monetary favor. After all, private school is a significant investment even for those with plenty of money, and her brother-in-law could only stretch his finances so far.

The Consensus? Evelyn Did Nothing Wrong

Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
ViDI Studio // Shutterstock.

Many concluded unanimously that Evelyn’s husband was way out of line here. As one user stated, “Did your new husband express any of these thoughts and entitlement before you married him? If not, it’s a HUGE red flag that he’s getting this attitude right after you married him.”

Finding Balance

Woman with money closing face
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While it’s understandable that Evelyn’s husband wanted his children to have the same opportunities, it simply wasn’t feasible. And he was wrong to ask that Evelyn send her child to public school for the sake of equality among siblings.

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Husband Felt Entitled to Financial Aid for Daughters’ Education, Sparking Tension Over Education Equality
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