Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on FlexJobs.com.
Losing a job is never easy. And it can be especially tough if you’ve been laid off through no fault of your own.
You may feel like you’re the only one going through it, but the truth is that layoffs happen frequently.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and shouldn’t give in to the temptation to try and brush it under the rug, so to speak.
Being honest about your experience can help potential employers see that you’re candid and open about difficult situations, and it will show that you’re a resilient job candidate.
The key to success for a round of interviews after a layoff is preparation and focusing on the positive.
Use the following tips to organize your thoughts and rehearse your answers.
Don’t Try to Gloss Over It

The first step is to be honest about why you were laid off. There’s no need to make excuses or try to sugarcoat the situation. Instead, simply state the facts and move on.
For example:
“Yes, I was part of a layoff at my last company. You might have seen in the news that they downsized to create a more sustainable business model.
“Unfortunately, my department was completely eliminated. While I was disappointed, I recognized that it was a decision that reflected the changing business climate the company is in.”
That answer accomplishes several things. By mentioning that it was in the news, you’re subtly including the information that it was a large layoff, rather than a result of your performance.
Also, by sharing that it was a business decision, you’re showing professional maturity and that you didn’t take it personally, recognizing that it was a financially-driven choice.
Don’t Dwell on the Past

Once you’ve answered the question honestly, it’s essential to move on and not dwell on the past. You don’t want to appear bitter or angry about what happened. Instead, focus on the future and the new possibilities.
For example:
“While this was unexpected, I’ve been able to use this time to fast-track some of my career development goals. I’m very excited to find a role where I can use my new [XYZ] skills, which is one of the reasons that this role appeals to me so much.
“I was also delighted to discover that the company is a strong advocate of mentoring local high school students, and I hope to put this new learning to use in that context.”
Taking the opportunity to show that you can learn from difficult experiences and turn them into positive growth opportunities is a great way to impress potential employers.
You’re also highlighting that you’ve utilized your time to bring even more value to the position you’re applying for.
Don’t Fail to Plan

One of the questions you’re likely to be asked is how you’ve been keeping busy since your layoff.
This can be tricky to answer, but it’s essential to be prepared so you don’t inadvertently make it sound like you’ve been sitting around eating ice cream and binge-watching reruns.
First, take the opportunity to talk about any freelance work, side projects, temporary work, or volunteering you’ve been doing.
Even if this is within your children’s school or working part-time at a local business, you want to highlight that you can adapt and problem-solve.
Don’t Bad-Mouth Your Previous Employer

The interviewer doesn’t need to know everything about the situation, just a brief overview. And even if you didn’t have the best relationship with your previous employer or felt they were irresponsible with their layoffs, it’s vital to avoid badmouthing them during your job interview.
That will only make you look unprofessional and could damage your chances of getting the job.
Other companies within the industry will often know the details about the layoff, and the manager will be more impressed with your professionalism if you take the high road.
How to Take the High Road

You can acknowledge the situation but highlight how your career approach has helped you bounce back.
For example:
“Yes, it’s true we were laid off with no severance and no notice. It was just before Thanksgiving, so it did make for a tough holiday season.
“I was disappointed when it happened, but I’m using it as an opportunity to explore new career options. Thankfully, I am diligent about staying current with industry standards, so I’ve been able to launch my job search reasonably quickly.”
By mentioning that you stay current with the industry standards, you’re showing that you’d be a valuable team member. Also, noting that you launched your job search quickly can help you come across as exploring your options, rather than being desperately willing to take any offer.
Do Redirect to a Positive

Use your answer to direct attention away from your layoff and bring the focus back to what you have to offer. Your layoff is just one chapter of your history at the organization.
Realistically, you probably gained a lot in that role, so you can touch on the layoff and then discuss why you’re still thankful for your time there despite how it ended.
Positive Redirect Example

“Yes, I was laid off by my last employer, but they gave us advance notice about the possibility and time to prepare. Despite the budget cuts, I’m grateful for my time at the company. My manager was an outstanding leader and my time there allowed me to hone my skills and develop my knowledge in the industry.
“I’m confident that I can use those skills and experiences in this role. I also have an excellent letter of reference from my manager to share with you.”
You’re directing attention away by talking about your gains and experiences during your time at the company. This positive spin allows you to focus on your overall work history, rather than dwelling on one negative experience.
Successfully Interviewing After a Layoff

Being able to successfully answer questions about layoffs will give you an air of confidence, which is essential at this point. You’ll show that you have nothing to hide and that you’re confident this layoff is only a temporary setback in your career.
Think about how you want to answer the questions and what you want to focus on. Do you want to talk about your skills and experiences? Or, do you want to focus on your positive attitude and resilience?
Once you’ve decided what you want to highlight, practice your answers out loud, so you’re comfortable with your responses before your interview.
By following these tips, you can be confident that you’re answering questions about your layoff in a way that will improve your chances of getting the job.