20 Easy Way People Can Save Money Fast

By shifting your mindset and applying some simple tweaks to your financial choices, you’ll start to save money fast. Now at first, you might be discouraged that you are only saving a few dollars here or there — but over time it adds up. Plus, you may start to find ways to slowly increase your savings … Read more

6 Easy Ways to Find Unclaimed Money For Free

Unclaimed money refers to financial accounts that have been inactive or accounts you have not accessed for over a year. Since these assets are rightfully yours,  the unclaimed property laws require any financial institution to give you the unclaimed assets at some point in time. These companies are generally not in a rush to reach … Read more

8 Best Ways to Make Money While You Sleep

Making money while you sleep means you are finding ways to continue generating income, even when you are not actively working. And that type of income also refers to passive income, another term that represents the little effort it takes to earn and maintain some money. With a bit of work and following the steps … Read more

8 Weird Ways People Are Making Extra Money

While many of us will work a 9-5 or find a common side hustle, there are also plenty of weird ways to make extra money. There really is a market for almost anything where people are willing to spend their hard earned dollars. And with the continued advancement of technology and new companies, there are … Read more