9 Signs People Are Secretly Cheap

Saving money and finding ways to make your dollars stretch farther is not necessarily a bad thing by any means. After all, not everyone can live lavishly all the time or never worry about their finances. However, sometimes your money saving ways puts you in a category of being a cheap person. This means you are … Read more

6 Ways to Invest In A Rough Economy

Investing during a bear market can be quite intimidating and appear challenging. However, it doesn’t have to be if you ensure you are prepared ahead of time. In a rough economy or during a financial crisis, the markets are going down, the media writes panic headlines, everyone is telling you to sell, and you’re sitting there … Read more

6 Steps to Pay Back Student Loans Quicker

After graduating from college, you may be daunted by the fact that it is now time to pay off your student debt. Typically, you have a few months before repayments kick in, but they are coming. It’s especially scary or stressful as you are just joining the working world. However, there is a bright light … Read more