Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries

Inflation has caused soaring prices in almost every facet of life, including groceries and other essentials. If you are feeling the pinch of inflation, you are not alone. Recently men compiled a list of tips for making the most of your budget for necessities. Here are the best tips to save money on groceries and essentials this year.

1. Purchase Off-Brand Items

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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Purchasing generic items instead of their name-brand counterparts can save a significant amount on your grocery bill. In addition, maximize a store’s rewards program by purchasing off-brand items that are typically cheaper and go on sale more frequently.

2. Use Caution When Buying in Bulk

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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Buying items in bulk may save a few cents per unit, but this savings is only helpful if said items will all be used. If an item expires or goes bad before you use it, you’re not saving yourself money.

3. Plan Ahead for Meals

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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One user commented, “I usually make a big pot of chili that will do me three days or a chicken curry, or other recipes I can make in batches that I know I’ll eat.” Other commenters agreed that meal planning and cooking more at home significantly reduced the food line in their budgets.

4. Keep an Eye on Sales or Coupons

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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Items that are frequently used or are typically pricy should be purchased in bulk when there are sales or coupons. The initial purchase may be costly, but keeping a supply on hand will save you money in the long run.

5. Use a Credit Card with Bonuses

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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In addition to shopping for deals or coupons, consider what you purchase your groceries with. Certain credit cards offer a cash-back bonus on your most used category or a specific percentage for gas and grocery purchases. Be thoughtful when using credit cards and pay them off at the end of each month to avoid accruing debt.

6. Walk or Use Mass Transit When Possible

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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Save money by considering how to get to the store to purchase groceries and essentials. Mass transit can be cheaper than a gas-guzzling vehicle, and walking is free.

7. Consider Buying Groceries Online

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another suggested, “It costs a bit more up-front, but I find that I’m not buying any impulse items or junk food, ultimately saving me more than the extra cost.” Instead of browsing aisles, selecting items individually can reduce the chance of extra, unnecessary purchases.

8. Learn How to Cut Your Meat

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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Purchasing individual cuts of meat can be cost-prohibitive. Instead, buy a whole chicken or another type of meat and cut it into individual portions. Freeze any unused portions within a few days for use later.

9. Pick a Versatile Food or Long-Lasting Product to Buy in Bulk

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Several users commented that rice is a highly versatile ingredient and can be bought in bulk. Base meals around bulk ingredients that are filling and inexpensive to save on your grocery budget. Also, purchase items that have a long shelf life, such as toilet paper or cleaning supplies, in bulk to save money in the long run.

10. Use Everything You Buy

Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Take stock of what you purchase monthly. Is it all being used? Do items often go bad or expire before use? Consider making a list of everything you buy and seeing what can be removed from the list. Items that never get used or expire before use waste funds that could be used elsewhere.

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Groceries Eating Your Money? 10 Top Tips To Save Money On Groceries
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This thread inspired this post.

This article was produced and syndicated by Invested Wallet.

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