12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don’t Get

Common sense is like a compass that helps us navigate the twists and turns of everyday life. It’s the ability to make sensible decisions and understand basic truths without needing a manual. While common sense might seem, well, common, it’s surprising how many folks seem to have misplaced theirs.

1. Basic Hygiene

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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It’s astounding how often basic hygiene practices are neglected. Something as simple as washing one’s hands after using the restroom or before preparing food should be second nature. Unfortunately, some individuals still fail to grasp the importance of this fundamental act. Good hygiene is not only about personal health but also about preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining a clean environment.

2. Respecting Personal Space

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Personal space is a concept that seems to elude many. Whether it’s standing too close in a queue, invading someone’s personal bubble during a conversation, or touching objects that don’t belong to them, some people struggle with respecting boundaries. Common sense dictates that everyone has their own comfort zone, and acknowledging it is essential for harmonious social interactions.

3. Listening Skills

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Communication is a two-way street, and listening is as crucial as speaking. Yet, a surprising number of individuals struggle with active listening. Instead of truly hearing what others are saying, they may be preoccupied with formulating their response or simply tuning out. Common sense dictates that to engage effectively in conversations and build meaningful connections, one must be an attentive listener.

4. Time Management

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Time is a finite resource, and common sense should dictate that managing it effectively is essential. However, many people struggle with punctuality and time management skills. Whether it’s being consistently late for appointments or procrastinating on important tasks, these habits can lead to unnecessary stress and missed opportunities.

5. Financial Literacy

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Money plays a significant role in everyone’s life, yet a concerning number of people lack basic financial literacy. Common sense should guide individuals to budget, save, and invest wisely. However, some individuals find themselves buried in debt or making impulsive financial decisions without considering the consequences.

6. Environmental Responsibility

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Taking care of the environment should be a no-brainer. Yet, many individuals still engage in environmentally harmful practices without thinking twice. Whether it’s excessive plastic use, littering, or neglecting recycling, common sense should dictate a more responsible approach to preserving the planet for future generations.

7. Respect for Diversity

Woman eating pizza with friends
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In a diverse world, it’s common sense to respect and celebrate differences among individuals. Unfortunately, some people struggle with accepting others who don’t share their cultural, racial, or religious backgrounds. Common sense should dictate that diversity enriches society and that everyone deserves equal respect and opportunity.

8. Safety Precautions

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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When it comes to safety, common sense should prevail. Yet, some individuals take unnecessary risks without considering the potential consequences. Whether it’s not wearing a seatbelt in a car or neglecting safety equipment in a hazardous workplace, ignoring safety precautions can lead to dire consequences.

9. Basic Manners

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Basic manners, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors for others, or offering a simple smile, should be second nature. However, a surprising number of people neglect these social niceties. Common sense dictates that showing politeness and consideration towards others is a fundamental aspect of being a well-rounded individual.

10. Critical Thinking

Woman thinking about money
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Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. It’s a skill that should be cultivated from an early age. Yet, a concerning number of people accept information at face value without questioning its validity. Common sense should guide individuals to think critically and make well-informed choices in an increasingly complex world.

11. Internet Etiquette

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Navigating the digital realm has become an integral part of daily life, yet some people seem to disregard basic internet etiquette. Common sense should dictate that one should avoid spreading misinformation, engage in respectful online discussions, and protect their personal information. Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet often leads to lapses in common sense.

12. Healthy Eating Habits

12 Things That Are Common Sense, But A Concerning Number of People Don't Get
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Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for overall well-being, but many individuals struggle with making healthy food choices. Common sense should guide them to opt for nutritious foods over excessive junk food and sugary beverages. Nevertheless, unhealthy dietary habits remain a widespread issue.

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