Have you ever purchased an item so great it drastically improved your quality of life? An item so wonderful you don’t know how you spent your entire life without it by your side?
I know I have, and so have these ten Redditors. Here are ten life-changing items.
1. Quality Bedding
We sleep, relax, and sometimes eat in our beds. Why shouldn’t we prioritize our comfort? Investing in a quality mattress with comfortable blankets improves all aspects of life. If you’re cozy in bed, your sleep improves, and if your quality of sleep improves, so does your quality of life.
2. Roomba
Robots are in. Roombas, or robotic vacuums, clean every surface; all you need to do is push the button or set a cleaning schedule. Roombas cut down cleaning time for individuals who work a lot or need to prioritize other activities like cooking or childcare. Plus, Roombas clean well.
3. Air Fryer
Air fryers reduce excess oil used in cooking and heat up food much quicker than ovens. The accessible appliance pairs well with leftovers, frozen food, and fresh vegetables. All you need to do is pop the ingredients in the air fryer, set the temperature, and set a timer. The air fryer does the rest.
4. A Guitar
Learning to play an instrument reduces depression and stimulates the brain. One individual mentioned buying a guitar helped them climb out of some dark times and improved their mood and outlook on life on more than one occasion. Once you build up enough confidence to play for others, your self-esteem can improve, according to another user in the thread.
5. Daylight Lamp
Dreary winter days affect those in the North more than those in warmer climates, but daylight lamps are great for those who struggle with seasonal depression. Daylight lamps also cut down on eye pain from constant use of electronic devices and blue lights.
6. Blackout Curtains
Do you get migraines? Does bright sunlight make them worse? One person suggested blackout curtains eased their migraines and symptoms. If you don’t experience migraines, you may not like sleeping with bright light. Blackout curtains will save the day.
7. VR Headset
One individual mentioned their VR Headset helped them deal with their social anxiety. By talking to others in the VR world, they could speak to individuals in reality much easier. They also claimed using their VR headset helped their confidence grow and minimized their panic attacks.
8. CPAP Machine
CPAP machines supply oxygen while asleep. These machines deliver constant airflow, letting people with sleep disorders or breathing issues continue to breathe in their sleep. A slew of users praised the device for providing better sleep quality. The same user said the CPAP machine helps with heart health and breathing in the long run.
9. Bidet
For some reason, bidets still aren’t popular in America. Why? I don’t know. However, you can buy bidets to put on existing toilet seats or install a more expensive one in a private bathroom. Several users prefer the cleanliness and efficiency of bidets over American toilets and toilet paper.
10. Bicycle
You can travel around town on a bike if you don’t have a car. If you have a car, you may prefer to travel short distances on a bicycle. Riding a bike is a great cardio workout and a less expensive mode of transportation. One person shared they spent a good amount of money on a well-built bike and thanked themselves every day since. They started using the bike to travel short distances, and their mental health has improved since their purchase.
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This thread inspired this post.
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