10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill

Dining out at a restaurant is a delightful experience that many of us look forward to. However, what we don’t realize is that restaurants employ several psychological tricks to get us to spend more money. From menu designs to strategic seating arrangements, restaurants have mastered the art of persuasion, leaving us with bigger bills than we anticipated.

1. The Menu Layout

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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One of the most common tricks used by restaurants is the menu layout. Studies have shown that people tend to order items that are placed in the middle of the menu or have a box around them. Restaurants also use fancy language to describe dishes, making them sound more appetizing and expensive than they really are.

2. Upselling

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Upselling is a technique that restaurants use to convince customers to buy more expensive items. This can be done by offering add-ons like appetizers or desserts, or by suggesting more expensive dishes. Waiters are often trained to upsell, and it can be hard to resist their recommendations.

3. Portion Size

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Restaurants often serve larger portions than what we would normally eat at home. They do this to make the dish appear more valuable and to justify a higher price tag. Customers often feel obligated to finish their plate, even if it’s more than they wanted or needed.

4. Pricing Psychology

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Restaurants use pricing psychology to influence our decision making. They’ll often use odd pricing, such as $19.99 instead of $20, to make items seem cheaper. They may also list prices without dollar signs, which can make us think less about the cost.

5. Alcohol Sales

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Alcohol is one of the highest profit margins for restaurants, so they often push sales of drinks like wine or cocktails. They may also offer happy hour specials to get customers to order more drinks. Beware of specials that seem too good to be true – the price may be low, but the markup on the alcohol can be significant.

6. Music and Lighting

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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The atmosphere of a restaurant can greatly affect how much customers spend. Restaurants may use dim lighting or soft music to create a more romantic or intimate setting, which can encourage customers to linger and order more items. Alternatively, fast-paced music and bright lights can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to order quickly and leave.

7. Limited-Time Offers

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Limited-time offers, such as seasonal menus or specials, can create a sense of urgency to try something before it’s gone. This can lead customers to order more items than they normally would. Restaurants may also use limited-time offers to test new dishes before adding them to the permanent menu.

8. Seating Arrangements

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Where you sit in a restaurant can influence how much you spend. Tables near the entrance or the bar may be more likely to order appetizers or drinks, while tables in the back may be more likely to order entrees. Restaurants may also use booths or cozy seating arrangements to encourage customers to stay longer.

9. Branding

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Restaurants may use branding to create a sense of exclusivity or luxury. For example, using high-end materials or having a well-known chef can make customers feel like they are getting a special experience. This can lead customers to order more expensive items or to come back for special occasions.

10. Hidden Fees

10 Tricky Traps Restaurants Use To Increase Your Bill
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Restaurants may add hidden fees to a customer’s bill, such as a “service charge” or “corkage fee.” These fees may not be obvious or may be mentioned in small print, leading customers to be surprised when they receive their bill. It’s important to read the menu and ask questions about any fees before ordering.

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