Regarding careers, it’s a rarity when a job’s pay is equivalent to its true worth. For example, teachers have demanding jobs, yet they are frequently among the lowest-paid professions. Conversely, some occupations pay exceptionally well for what seems to be relatively little or easy work. When members of an online forum were asked to name the careers with unjustifiably high pay, they didn’t hesitate to respond.
1. Fight Announcers
Fight announcers are well paid, specifically Michael Buffer, who works as the announcer for major boxing events, and his brother, Bruce Buffer, a mixed martial arts announcer. Both earn millions a year for saying a few lines into a mic. It’s a niche position that is hugely profitable for the Buffer brothers.
2. Game Show Host
Vanna White, the co-host of the popular television game show Wheel of Fortune, earns $208,000 each workday for turning letters on a giant board. The commenter admits that she films five episodes daily, but that still comes out to $41,600 per show. However, her salary pales compared to the amount the show earns in syndication.
3. Overnight Gym Attendant
A person in the thread boasts of earning slightly under $80,000 a year working the overnight shift at a private gym. They spend an hour putting the weights away and another hour restocking the refrigerators. They finish their work in two hours and can do whatever they want for the other six, like watch football, surf the web, and chill.
4. Mail Processor
Working as a mail carrier means being subjected to harsh weather conditions. Being a mail processor is a much better gig, says a user in the discussion. They call it the best job they’ve ever had: it’s unionized, the pay is excellent, and they have generous paid time off and outstanding benefits. Plus, they don’t have to risk getting bitten by dogs and don’t have customers screaming at them about their mail being late.
5. Slot Machine Repair
One slot machine repair person says they currently earn $32 an hour with an incredible benefits package that includes a lot of vacation time. Some days are busier than others, but they also confess that they managed to read and finish a few books in the last year while on the clock. Getting paid to read in between tasks is a good gig!
6. Landscaping Business Owner
The owner of a lawn care and landscaping business claims to make a ridiculous amount of money. They assert that it’s hard to overestimate how much people will pay to avoid engaging in physical labor. However, it’s more than avoiding the hard work involved in lawn care; it’s also a huge time saver to outsource that work to an external company. That alone can be worth the money.
7. Television Court Judge
Being a judge on a television court show can be a highly lucrative enterprise, especially if the program is syndicated, which is where the real money is. Look no further than at Judge Judy Sheindlin for proof of that. She earned tens of millions annually from her popular show Judge Judy, which ran for 25 seasons until 2021. She has a new streaming show called Judy Justice, so she’s still making bank.
8. Human Resources
“Human resource departments at big businesses can be divided into two groups,” says a critic in the thread. “People who are desperately overworked, and people doing who knows what. The second group is better paid.” Others agree with that sentiment, opining that they don’t know what work human resources perform that justifies their salaries.
9. Life Coach
The occupation of a life coach receives little love or respect online. An individual in the discussion contends that the role of a life coach is to give wealthy homemakers and their husbands a bunch of useless platitudes for $10,000 a month, all so they can feel better about themselves for being rich. Another contributor theorizes that it’s easy to become a life coach: act as if you know more than others and have access to the internet.
10. Fashion Photographers
A community member who’s also a fashion photographer volunteers that their daily rate for a fashion ad campaign is $10,000. That doesn’t include any editing. That’s just for taking photographs. That’s a sweet salary for a job where you barely break a sweat, don’t have to lift anything heavier than a camera, and get to travel around the world.
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