Coincidences, unique findings, serendipitous happenings, however you name it, the world coexists with stunning rarities. Thousands of people answer which rare statistics they are a part of. Do you belong to any of these?
1. Same Birthday, Same Mom’s Name
“I was born on the same date as another guy of the same name, and his mom had the same name as my mom. So the social security department issued us both the same social security number. It took 18 years to figure out the mistake when I was denied a student loan because the other guy applied first. Also, his tax returns got denied for a while because I always submitted mine first,” one person recalls.
2. Grey Hair at 13
Having grey hair is not reserved for older people. Some people have genes that change their hair color very early in life, like my best friend, who noticed her first gray hair at age 18. This user says he’s had strands of gray hair since his first year as a teenager, and now, at age 23, he sports a head of white hair.
3. Three Sets of Teeth
Typically, humans enter the world with no teeth, grow baby teeth, lose baby teeth, and welcome adult teeth into their mouths. However, there are cases of humans losing their first set of adult teeth through accidents or other incidents and growing more in their absence.
4. Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst
Suppose you sneeze when you look at a bright light. In that case, you are in the pool of individuals with an Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst. For people with this condition, when they see bright sun, or harsh light, an intense urge to sneeze overwhelms them.
5. Sneezing After Eating
My cousin deals with this. She knows she’s full once she sneezes whenever she eats a meal. She usually sneezes uncontrollably three times in a row and always makes sure to have a napkin by her side. She doesn’t know what causes this, but she’s dealt with it since childhood.
6. Can Taste Music
Zero point two percent of the human population have lexical-gustatory synesthesia, an ability to associate words with taste. A music aficionado with lexical-gustatory synesthesia claims most songs sound similar, depending on their composition, and he despised one classical tune due to its taste. He reports that classical music tastes like coffee, and heavy metal evokes salty and sweet flavors.
7. Parents Are Both Identical Twins
The odds of birthing twins are 33 in 1,000, whereas the odds of having identical twins are reduced to 3 in 1,000. Also, identical twins do not run in families, making their existence rarer. A user shares that they have two identical twins as parents, which allegedly gives them a heightened sense of telling identical twins apart.
8. Myoclonus Dystonia
Myoclonus Dystonia is a movement disorder affecting 1 in 1,000,000 people. The condition causes those affected to experience involuntary muscle spasms and jerks in the arms, torso, and neck.
9. Visual Snow Syndrome
“I have visual snow syndrome. There is a layer of tv static over everything I look at. I can still see color, but it makes bright lights blinding, and it’s very hard to see in the dark. It does not stop even when I close my eyes,” a forum member explains.
10. Cholinergic Urticaria
“I have cholinergic urticaria—allergy to heat, stress, anxiety, etc. ruined my life, but I’ve found ways to cope. I stopped being able to go to the gym, and I get very sick if I push too much physically or emotionally. I almost died after I had a severely traumatizing experience.
I passed out while hyperventilating and breaking out (going into anaphylactic shock). When I passed out, it must have chilled my heart rate and mood enough to stop the reaction. Passed out believing I was dying, woke up a different person,” according to this contributor.
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